Identity fraud interview
Interview The music I used fits the style of the video. It is peaceful, not to loud, and sounds sad which will make the audience relate more with Joe. The song is called Golden Hour . I used Joe's phone as a sort of 'flashback' to when he realized from his bank that his details had been breached. The white background is simple and the lighting is calm setting. The reasoning for this is so the video is more relaxing and the audience won't panic to much. Problems I faced I had to adjust the volume by 10 decibels as joe was really quiet. Unfortunately this made my own voice louder. But there is no way around it. Next time I should use a mic or tazcam to record the interviewee. Another problem was due to a lack of tripods the camera was a bit shaky. We also struggled to get the camera to focus. We will need to book a tripod ready next time to avoid these problems. Getting the quality of the video to be good when I would upload the video on YouTub...