Media movie post-production

What did I use to film/edit?
-I used a cannon camera to record
-I used a 16gb SD card to store the footage
-I used premier pro to edit the footage

My editing techniques
-I used the razor tool to cut apart footage
-I put sci-fi sounds over scenes like the one which the scientist, this shows the scientists is in a laboratory
-I got sounds of a camera to go over the security
-I used a lot of static to create suspense and confusion, the confusion makes the audience wonder what is going on

Did I meet the code and conventions of my genre?
-Used static which added a lot of suspense, which I think fits under the mystery genre
- I used the sci-fi sounds over the laboratory scene which fits under the sci-fi genre
-I used the piano effect at the end to fulfill the drama effect, it should influence the way the audience feel about the ending and they should feel sad


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