Script analyse
Radio script - THE TRIAL OF JOSEPH KNIGHT BY MAY SUMBWANYAMBE 1. KNIGHT(V.O) My name is Joseph Knight, I was born in 1753. I was taken from Cape Coast Castle to Jamaica in 1760 by a Captain ‘John Knight’ on a ship called The Phoenix. The (V.O) stands for voice over like he is narrating over sound, music or dialogue. Other ways the script indicates how the voice should sound is like, (OFF) which means the actor should speak away from the microphone. Also (D) means the voice should be distorted like they are speaking on a phone or radio. Then (LOW) indicates the actor should be whispering. And (CLOSE) Indicates the actor should be close to the microphone to give an intimate feel to the dialogue. Methods of speaking are effective as they can tell a lot when it comes to dialogue, for example (LOW) tells the voice actor to whisper. Whispering would add more drama and suspense cause the audience knows there will be repercussions if someone hears them. ...