Preferred (accept the message) Negotiated(accept the with some bits and disagrees with other bits) Oppositional (Rejecting the message) Abhorrant (Missed the message and understood wrong) They have Ryan Reynolds in a tight short sleeve shirt so you can very clearly see his muscles and pecs. Around Ryan in capitals it says "GET BACK IN SHAPE", which clearly is aiming at people who are currently unhappy with the way they look and are looking for advice on how to look like Ryan. It has Ryan in the center of the magazine and it has direct gaze, it could be said they are trying to make it look like Ryan is looking at you because he is judging you for the way you look. At the top it says "BUILD ARMS LIKE THOR!" which is basically saying you can have arms like the superhero, if you train the same way as the actor. The hypordermic needle model suggests that the media injects a message into us, and this shapes our responses. Reasons why people watch t...